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We hope you can join us on Sunday mornings!

Service - 9:00-10:30am

Sunday school - 10:45-11:45am

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Who We Are

West Chicago Bible Church is a congregation of disciples of Jesus Christ who are committed to glorifying God through the power of the gospel and by knowing, understanding, and living out the precepts of scripture.


Our Priorities in Worship


Read the Word:

In every gathering, we read God's word together as a church. In this, we desire to see the promise of Isaiah 55:11 come to pass, that God's word would not return void, but that the Holy Spirit would use it to accomplish His divine purposes in our lives.


Sing the Word:

It is said, "Show me a church's songs, and I'll show you their theology." Music is a vital part of worship in the church. Music allows us to sing the truths of Scripture in a way that has lasting impact. We blend modern and traditional music together, focusing on the theological truth of the lyrics rather than on the style or age of the song.


Pray the Word:

When God's people gather to pray, we are instructed to do so in praise, adoration, repentance, thanksgiving, and in requests. Our Sunday morning worship service follows this structure. A church that prays in the truth of God's word is one that will see holiness grow in each and every life.


Study the Word:

We believe that the most important part of the gathering of the church is to study scripture, to have it taught faithfully, passionately, and accurately, and to see the truth be a means for the church to exhort and encourage one another in pursuing Christ-likeness and in using each individuals spiritual gifts. If all the affairs of the church, including worship, are to be guided by scripture, then scripture must be taught and applied by those who can rightly divide and explain it.

We believe, according to Ephesians 4, it is in sound preaching that the church is equipped for faithful service.





Salvation in Jesus Christ

In order to be 'saved" or to place your faith in Jesus Christ, the Bible says you must "confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is" Lord, you will be saved.* (Romans 10:9) Jesus said, "The time is fulfilled, and  the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel." (Mark 115)

A person must first recognize their need for a Savior by acknowledging that they are a sinner and they must repent of that sin before God, which means to turn from it completely. Second, a person must believe in Jesus Christ, the Messiah and God in human flesh, that His death on the cross paid the penalty for their sin and that it is only by faith and not by any works that we are truly forgiven. (Eph 2:8-9) Finally, a person must accept that the bodily resurrection of Jesus on the third day guarantees the hope of eternity in heaven for all who truly repent and trust Christ. These three acts happen concurrently and instantaneously, as a person is regenerated by the Holy Spirit. This is a brief version of the gospel that Jesus references in Mark 1:15, which a person must believe in order to be saved.


Corporate Worship - 9:00am

Sunday School -10:45am





209 S. Oakwood Ave
West Chicago, IL 60185

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