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What We Teach

West Chicago Bible Church is an independent church that does not belong to any particular denomination. Including ''Bible'' in our name reflects our belief that the Bible is God's Word and is THE guiding document for the church. 

Through the generations, faithful men and women have studied the scriptures, set their minds on the precepts of God, and established guiding documents for the edification of the church and for the clarity of the doctrines of the faith. These documents, confessions, creeds, and decrees, when understood through the lens of the proper interpretation of scripture, have given the church a foundation by
which regenerated children of God can systematically understand the “faith once and for all delivered to the saints.” (Jude 3)

Denominational Christianity has created a broad spectrum of
differences in doctrine and practice, while also allowing those of varied conviction to make clear the essential doctrines of the faith that are required for salvation. Many denominations adopt their own guiding documents for the explicit purpose of uniting their local congregations under one confession or decree. Examples of this would be:
The Westminster Confession of Faith, written in 1646 by the Westminster Divines, which today is upheld and taught by the
Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).
The Baptist Faith & Message, written originally in 1925, revised in 1963 and again in 2000, which is the commonly adopted statement of faith for churches in the Southern Baptist Convention, as well as many others.

Because we belong to no denomination by which we may adopt the denominational confession or message of faith, it is incumbent upon the elders and members of West Chicago Bible Church (WCBC) to establish a clear and exhaustive declaration of doctrines, through our interpretation of the scriptures, so that the teachings of the church are clear in this generation and the next. It is the desire of the elders to record for current and future members of this congregation the beliefs, doctrines, and practices of this local church. This document is the manifestation of that desire.

The purpose and scope of this document is to clarify and further expound on the articles of faith, found in the church constitution, to provide clarity, depth, distinction, and overall guidance for the teaching, service, and ministry of the congregation of WCBC, both for our current generation, but also for those in the generations to come. We do not wish to supplant the authority or sufficiency of scripture for the guidance of the church. Instead, the intent is to soundly and clearly convey the doctrinal beliefs of this local assembly, that this document may serve as a guide for today, and for
those who would come after us, to make resolute the interpretation of the scriptures and the teaching of the church.


To God alone be the Glory, as this local church seeks to faithfully interpret and live out the precepts of the Bible in faith and in practice.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17


Corporate Worship - 9:00am

Sunday School -10:45am





209 S. Oakwood Ave
West Chicago, IL 60185

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